Twinfest Edmonton Welcomes You!
Twintrip City
(Annual Twin Cultures Balloon Exhibition Festival)
Twintrip City celebrates National Multiple Births Awareness in Canada in May every year with performances and familiy-centered activities.
Where: Mill Woods Town Center, Edmonton
Outstanding Multiples Awards
There is a call for nominations in March/April annually for the Outstanding Multiples Awards for multiples (twins triplets, quads, quints or more and their families) who have distinguished themselves in their community. Awards are presented to winners at the round-up Ceremony.
Twin-Analytics Conference
Twin-Analytics is multiple births psychosocial health conference held annually to mark National Multiple Births Awareness Month. It features leaders in the field and academia.
click for more
Virtual Activities
Parade (Suspended Until Further Notice)
The festival mounts an exhibition into the wonderland of twin cultures, twin science, wellness and future. The Parade celebrates the fascination of Twins and their families and support networks. Register by clicking on REGISTRATION. From the drop-down button, choose RULES & REGULATIONS and read. After you are done reading the RULES & REGULATIONS, from the same drop-down button click on PARADE REGISTRATION, fill it online and hit the submit button at the bottom. Make sure all required fields are filled or ticked. If you prefer snail mail, click on the button PARADE REGISTRATION FILLABLE FORM on top of the same page, download and complete and send to Parade Committee, P. O. Box 3009, Beaumont, T4X 1K8.
If you wish to have a vehicle or float that you would like to put into the parade line-up, you must register. Follow the same procedure above.
Would you like to volunteer? Please click on the Volunteer tab above for more info.
Do you have more questions, click on our FAQs on the Festival tab above.


© 2024 by TWINFEST